First Thoughts, Berlin Trip!

When I decided I was going to write this blog I had no idea what I would write about. I mean I am a fairly creative person and my friend Anna ( ;) ) said it was simple, just write about anything and it should be fine. So I'm just going to start off with something I love so you can get an idea of the type of person I am.

On the 6th of April a few friends and I went to Berlin on a school trip for people studying History and German and it was by far one of the best experiences of my life. The fact that I spent 4 days with some of the people that mean the most to me doing the most interesting and fun things made me so happy and not want to leave. I've only added some of the tons of photos I have of the trip but if you want to see more I've posted a video on YouTube from the trip (cheeky bit of promo ;))

Me, Anna, Cerys posing because why else would we put our sunglasses on and walk to the window with the best lighting ;)

Me, Zoe, Bex, Anna, Rosie, Julia and Dannie looking cute in a cute forest, oh aren't we cute x

Me and Julia looking so cool in front of a graffiti wall after my teacher walked past asking if 'I was dabbing, seriously?' Yes, I am dabbing, I'm cool.

Me, Julia and Cerys smiling because we were having an absolute blast, well at least I know I was, seriously Berlin was amazing.

We went to so many places from Checkpoint Charlie to the Bundestag to the Jewish Museum and it had such an impact on us because if you know anything about Germany in the 1900's you'd know that there was a lot of great history we could look at. Personally I loved seeing for my own eyes what we studied in the classroom because it made it even more real for me, as stupid as that sounds, it just made it real.

Apart from the history we were able to discover, at the hotel there was something pretty great, a games room and disco. If we weren't asleep or outside discovering Berlin we would be down in the games room. The disco was a one night and one night only event that was honestly amazing. It was my friend Julia's birthday which made it ten times better because knowing that we could basically have a 'party' on her birthday and make her happy made me happy. We had gotten her some balloons and a tiara to make it even better. I don't think we went to bed until about 1 in the morning which was great because now I have such fun memories. The games room had a pool table and a foos ball table and I can 100% say I left better than I entered with both of them. I can't express through words how happy that trip made me. Being surrounded by the people that make me happiest as well as having some freedom and independence just made me feel the best.

So this is what I love. My friends. They make me who I am, they are a reflection of me because I surround myself by those who make me happy and nothing less because positivity is, in my opinion, one of the keys to overall happiness.

I hope you liked my first post as much as I enjoyed writing it and reminiscing the great time I had. Once again I'd like to thank Anna for persuading me to do this, ty babe.

Until next time, Mon x


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